Odyssey Holistic Treatments

SCENTERED Indian Head Massage // £60.00

A deep pressure massage of the scalp, face and shoulders. Performed in a seated position this powerful treatment can aid migraines, tension and stress.

Total Treatment Time: 45 Minutes

SCENTERED Reflexo Massage // £99.00

This massage involves holistic healing techniques applying pressures to the feet, back and scalp. It works on the major organs of the body, which are mapped out on the feet, helping to alleviate a number of problems such as back pain, headaches and digestive problems. a holistic back massage will sweep away the stresses of everyday life and a scalp massage to release tension.

This treatment balances your systems and energises your body.

Total Treatment Time: 75 Minutes

Reflexology // £60.00

A therapeutic massage applied to the feet to unblock the imbalances along the pressure points and energy zones of the body.

Total Treatment Time: 45 Minutes

Hopi Ear Candles // £50.00

Hopi Ear Candling is an ancient, mild and natural therapy. Treating many conditions of the ear, nose and throat area. The candle is placed in the ear, burning to create a chimney effect, releasing heat and essential oil aromas which helps soften wax and draws out excess fluid and impurities.

This relaxing treatment includes drainage massage techniques and a sumptuous scalp massage.

Medical Acupuncture // £48.00

Total Treatment Time: 30 Minutes

Sound Mind Therapy Treatments

Hypnotherapy // £70.00

Joanna is a qualified Hypnotherapist with experience in treating a wide range of conditions. Hypnotherapy is a highly effective, drug-free way of treating a number of issues that increasingly arise as a result of our modern, busy, stressful lifestyles. Joanna has experience of NLP (Neuro Linguistic programming), meditation, Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT), Life coaching and will utilise these skills in some treatments.

Hypnotherapy could help with conditions such as:

  • Weight management
  • Stress
  • Eating disorders
  • Stopping smoking
  • Increased self-esteem
  • Anxiety
  • Sleep issues
  • Addictions
  • Phobias
  • Unconditional self-love

Hypnosis is a natural state of mind that we go in and out of throughout the day.

Have you ever found yourself sitting at your desk looking out of the window daydreaming and after a few moments you realise what you have been doing and bring yourself back to your task at hand?

Have you ever been so engrossed in reading a book that you weren’t aware of the time lapsed and people around you?

Well, in both of these examples you were in a light trance/hypnotic state that made you focus on one thing ignoring everything else around you.

This is natural.

Hypnotherapy uses this natural ability to relax an individual, narrow their focus and bypass the conscious part of the mind to work on the subconscious for therapeutic purposes. The subconscious part of the mind controls 95% of what goes on in our heads, it also controls our behaviour, habits and beliefs. It is powerful, creative and resourceful.

That’s where true change happens.

Sports Clinic HolisticTreatments

Rehabilitation Exercise Programme // £50.00

Specific exercises for prevention of re-occurrence of injury, this can include post operative care of joint replacement or recovery from surgery post Cancer. This can include a holistic return to normal life.(add the following if you feel appropriate).

Aims of sessions is to increase size and strength of muscle, increase strength of bones, tendons and ligaments, promote healing process and breakdown of scar tissue, return balance between ligaments, tendons and muscles, increase blood supply, reduce pain and swelling.

Total Treatment Time: 45 Minutes

Osteopathy // From £48.00

Osteopathy is a system of diagnosis and treatment for a wide range of medical conditions. It is recommended for all joint pain, bad back, sciatica, headaches, insomnia, sports injuries and repetitive strain injuries. It works with the structure and function of the body, and is based on the principle that the well-being of an individual depends on the skeleton, muscles, ligaments and connective tissues functioning smoothly together.

Here at The Clinic we believe that Osteopathic care is the cornerstone of any comprehensive and holistic health programme. We provide pre and post injury intervention for all your sporting and training needs.

Treatments can cover the whole family, not just the sporting enthusiast. Techniques range from the gentle pressure of cranial osteopathy to high velocity thrusts to mobilize certain joints. Medical acupuncture, taping, soft tissue massage and manipulative therapy may also be used.

A professional treatment can last up to an hour for an initial consultation and therapy with subsequent sessions taking up to 30 minutes.

60 Minutes (NEW CUSTOMER): £60.00

45 Minutes (FOLLOW-UP):£48.00

6 Session Follow up Treatment Plan: £265.00

Health Shot UK

B12 Booster Injections // £40.00

Get your Vitamin B12 shot from registered nurse Michelle Rosen.

How Vitamin B12 can help you:

  • Improved Sleep
  • Improved Moods
  • Faster Metabolism
  • Cognitive Focus
  • Helps Fatigue
  • Prevents Anaemia
  • Helps Depression
  • Healthy Skin & Hair
  • Stronger Nails
  • Healthier Heart
  • Mental Clarity

Vitamin C Shot // £40.00

A powerful boost of the anti-aging, antioxidant, immune boosting vitamin C. Helps you on your way to achieving a tip-top immune system, healthy glowing skin and overall wellbeing.

B Complex Shot // £60.00

This B-complex shot contains a whopping 8 vitamins which include B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, Biotin, and B12.

A great all-rounder particularly to compliment weight loss and fitness regimes. Also fabulous if you’re indecisive.

Biotin Shot // £50.00

One for the beauty junkies. Biotin aka life! is associated with stimulating keratin production and increasing the rate of follicle growth. Also known to promote a healthy metabolism and overall wellbeing. Inside out beauty.

Vitamin D Shot // £80.00

If vitamins were celebs, Vitamin D would be A-List right now. Affectionately known as the sunshine vitamin, it is associated with a boosted mood, a well functioning immune system and essential for calcium absorption.

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